Company-Wide Care

CCA is a leader in building comprehensive mental healthcare solutions that can be tailored to meet the demands of each and every unique workplace.

For four decades we have been helping our clients cultivate workplaces where everyone can thrive. Our team of experts are experienced at delivering customized solutions to industry-leading companies with proven results.

Building a Healthy Organization

We know that emotional well-being doesn’t occur in a vacuum–our mental health is inextricably linked to our surroundings. The practices, policies, and management styles of your leaders and organization directly affect the well-being of your employees. If you want to build a caring and inclusive workplace culture, an all-encompassing strategy is key to your success. At CCA, we focus on both individual and organizational well-being to create workplaces that are:

  • Collaborative
  • Respectful
  • Emotionally healthy
  • Productive

Explore these solutions to learn more about what we can do for your business.


Well-being support for the individual and the organization.

Learning and Development

Increase knowledge and improve performance.


Interventions designed to facilitate change.


Building tomorrow’s leaders.

Stephen J. Hirschfeld, CEO, Employment Law Alliance

What Our Clients Say About Us

Today’s workplace dynamics are tougher to navigate than ever before. Finding solutions that work for both the employer and its employees is a challenge and one that CCA is extremely adept at handling. We are confident that our members will benefit from their deep expertise in helping solve important and sometimes thorny workplace issues.

Specialized services

Although CCA works in all industries, our experience has given us insight into the unique challenges the Healthcare, Energy, and Entertainment industries face. That’s why we offer specialized services that cater to their specific needs.

Want to learn more?

Want to learn more?


Email us at or give us a call at 212-686-6827

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